The early years


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-Meryl Goodman Thomas

This is photo-booth picture of Janie & David. We were all in college at the University of Maryland at the time. I believe we were in New York when this picture was taken.

I have known David since we were in 6th grade at McCormick Elementary in Langley Park, Maryland, when we decorated for the Valentine’s dance together. So this Monday (2/14/2022) is kinda our anniversary.

My sister & I had so many wonderful adventures with David and Janie when we were young. David made me laugh harder than anyone I ever met. I miss his humor, his laugh, his voice, and his affection. I miss his recommendations for movies, books, music, and recipes. I miss his medical guidance. I miss his passion & his sense of mission.

All Comments

  • Meryl: this photo is both joyful, and heartbreaking. It’s from just before I met David and Janie, so it’s kind of magical to see the faces I encountered then. Thanks so much for sharing it.

    I remember you and your sister, Sheryl(?), and Canutee(?), fed so many scraps from the deli that his tummy dragged on the ground!

    DAVID ROSS February 13, 2022 12:51 am Reply

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