Enthusiasm mixed with Sadness


Dear Friends,

David and I were both anthroposophic physicians. We would often exchange ideas about how to use different natural substances to help our patients.  David loved to explore new possibilities for anthroposophic remedies. We shared about several medicines even a few days before he crossed the threshold. The most wonderful parts of these conversations were to hear the obvious enthusiasm in Davids’s voice when he contemplated new ideas. He had recently given a talk about cardiodoron a heart medicine we =use often in anthroposophic medicine and was inspired to use it in new preventative and salutogenic ways for many of the stressors our modern times were placing upon patients. He also so much wanted to see an American form of mistletoe therapy,  Also, David was frequently sad about the state of medicine, the suffering of others and somehow you sensed he was alone and longed for a stronger sense of community with others. I am not sure he always felt others supported him the way he wanted. The moment he sensed you were not in step with his ideas he would suddenly stop a conversation and step off the call. David wasn’t afraid to put unusual ideas out in the ethers so I would hesitate at times. I always felt bad about that because his enthusiasm and searching were so genuine. I hope we will find ways to work together across the threshold and he will inspire me to new ideas and therapeutic insights. I hope all of us who carry a warmth in our hearts for David will be open to him because I am sure he will be trying to reach out to us.  He will be missed !   Steven Johnson



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  • Steven, yours is the first note I’ve read – of course I didn’t know it was yours. The title caught me, I always felt I could speak straight to David & that he was straight with me – I didn’t know of his passing until last night. My heart was saddened and I started looking for more information. I always felt David’s closeness, his warmth and easy openness, I felt both seem and recognized by him and I’m missing him more acutely knowing I won’t be speaking with him again in this plane.

    Barbara Mitchell September 1, 2022 4:52 am Reply

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