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-From Michael Greenberg

I first met David when he was working at Fair Oaks Family Health Center in Redwood City and I started moonlighting as a pediatric resident in the clinic. Here I was as a young upstart, learning the ropes at the clinic in little Michoacan in Redwood City, CA, when, at the lunch break, in walks this fellow with a bag of produce, in his East Coast Jewish accent declares to all who were present, “oh my God, dahling, you have to taste this melon. It’s glorious.” And I thought to myself, who is this guy? From that point on, it was a deep and long-lasting friendship.

After he bought his flat on Baker Street, he introduced me to his friend and realtor, James, who was about to list a building around the corner, which I ended up buying in 1996. So we became neighbors. David would often call me after work and say, “what do you have in your refrigerator? I have half a butternut squash, fresh chives and 3 capers.” I would let him know what I had and he’d say, “Ok, I’m coming over” and hang up. We’d then proceed to make some of the best meals you can imagine, along with a lot of laughs.

David was a tried and true friend over the many years, even though we left the Bay Area in 2003. No matter what, David would reach out, leave funny voicemails, have a joke or experience to share. He was also a great listener, one of the few people in my life who I can say really understood who I am.

David’s early demise was a huge shock as I know it is for many, and it leaves a permanent hole in my heart. I am grateful for our friendship and to know that he touched the lives of so many. David, my friend, I miss you dearly.

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  • This was from me (Michael Greenberg)

    Michael Greenberg January 29, 2022 3:44 pm Reply

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